A physio evaluation provides critical data to both determine your performance limiters and ensure you’re training right. Each evaluation consists of three tests to collect heart rate, power, respiratory, and muscle oxygen measurements.
The key differentiator of a Fount physio versus a standard FTP test is our use of Moxy technology to track your smO2 and tHb levels throughout your evaluation. We don’t rely on how motivated you are to put out power on a given day. We use science to provide insight into how your muscles recruit and use oxygen with each ramp of power—and your failure point—even if you don’t hit it on test day. We use this data to identify your current performance profile, create accurate training zones and warm-up protocols, and provide in-depth recommendations on what workouts you need to get better faster.
Our physio includes three tests Zone Assessment Protocol (ZAP), Wingate test, and Inspiratory Muscle Assessment (IMA) for $350. Learn more about each test below and book your physio by contacting us or using our online appointment booking tool.